Ox Megan Sept 2017

Megan Broughton


Megan Broughton spent time in Spain this summer and taught a workshop at Institut Voltrera in Abrera, Barcelona using non-visual observation to create visual and aural compositions. It relates to her own work of considering the influence landscape has on music and art, and the resulting culture (art, historical, community).

"The day began with a short presentation of my work, followed by a discussion on graphic scores, alternate modes of observation, and some wonderful sharing of the students' own previous work including a student's poem transposed into morse code. Afterward, students led each other on blindfolded immersive walks of the school campus, guiding each other to explore and interact with their surroundings via touch and listening. Afterward, each student received materials to create a drawn interpretation of their immersive walk. These were specifically meant to take the form of a graphic score; since they had been blindfolded, students had to use alternate modes of recording such as marking their paths with the sounds they heard or made. Each graphic score, though depicting the same place, was unique in its execution - each truly showed an individual experience and highlighted different aspects of the school building and yard."

Megan is Oxbow's Residential Life Advisor. cargocollective.com/meganbroughton

A School Like No Other
